Hack The Beach - Santa Monica

Hack the Beach 2017 Contest Sign-up

Sep 04, 2017
submission #78
Submit your idea

Your idea/ technology/ company

Name of your idea or project InstaFood
Which challenge area does your idea respond to? Building Community, Economic Opportunity
Describe your idea and how it can help Santa Monica InstaFood delivers food from any Hospital or College Campus Cafeteria, allowing you to stay present. College and Hospital Cafes have long lines and the ordering process is outdated. Imagine visiting a loved one with a terminal illness, and you need to leave the room to get food. Instafood takes that burden away and bring you a meal with a smile so that you can remain present.
What stage is your idea or project in? Prototype / MVP built
What needs to happen to launch your product? Please list all resources (hardware, software, licensing, legal/regulatory, funding, partnership or support from the City, data, etc.) required to launch your program. We need access and want to partner with Hospitals and College Campus Cafes within Santa Monica. We also need to raise money to scale our team, build out our technology, and for fullfillment operations.
How realistic is it for your idea to be implemented by early 2018? Please describe what resources (if any) you will need in order to ensure a working product by early next year. InstaFood can be implemented by early 2018. We would need access to office space, funds to scale our team to build out our technolgy and for customer fulfillment opportunities.

You and your team

Team Name InstaFood
List team members and their roles ---
Contact email ---
Phone number ---
Primary Contact Name ---
Initial application scoring


Viability (40%) ---
Value (40%) ---
Growth (20%) ---
Notes ---
Advance to semi-finalist status? No - if no, HALT PROCESS