

Jan 15, 2018
submission #29

Neighborhood Council Name

Neighborhood Council Name Historic Cultural North Neighborhood Council


First Name Angelica Lopez
Last Name Moyes
Phone Number +16269919404
Email Address [email protected]
Mailing Address 2109 Valentine Street, Unit A, Los Angeles, CA 90026
Stakeholder Type Community Interest


First Name Vince
Last Name Leus
Phone Number +15105125212
Email Address [email protected]
Mailing Address 911 West College #2, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Stakeholder Type Live


First Name Valerie
Last Name Garcia-Hanley
Phone Number +12137161373
Email Address [email protected]
Mailing Address 620 North Main Street, W-10, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Stakeholder Type Work


First Name Greg
Last Name Kimura
Phone Number +12133998983
Email Address [email protected]
Mailing Address 434 Savoy Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Stakeholder Type Community Interest


First Name Eugene
Last Name Moy
Phone Number +16269265705
Email Address [email protected]
Mailing Address 415 Bamboo Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Stakeholder Type Community Interest


1. Describe Boundaries 10:00 Southern border of Dodger Stadium at Everett Street 11:00 Southern border of Elysian Park including Elysian Park Road, Park Road, Park Row Drive, and Buena Vista Drive in the Solano Canyon Community 12:00 Intersection of Broadway and Pasadena Avenue 1:00 Southwest corner of where Main Street meets Los Angeles River Travel south on Main Street until Main intersects Vignes Street, travel east then southeast on Vignes Street until Vignes intersects Ramirez Street, Travel southeast on Ramirez Street until intersection with 101 Freeway, Travel northwest on 101 Freeway until 101 Freeway intersects with Beaudry Avenue 3:00 Southwest corner of where the 101 Freeway meets Los Angeles River Travel south down the west bank of Los Angeles River down to 7th Street F. 4:00 Corner of 7th Street and Los Angeles River Travel west on 7th Street G. 5:00 Corner of 7th Street and Alameda. Travel north on Alameda Street until Alameda intersects 4th Street Travel west on 4th Street until Omar Street Travel north on Omar Street until Boyd Street. Travel west on Boyd Street until San Pedro Street Travel north on San Pedro Street until 3rd Street Travel west on 3rd Street until Los Angeles Street. Travel north on Los Angeles Street until the 101 Freeway. Travel northwest on 101 Freeway until the intersection with the 110 Freeway. Travel north on 110 Freeway until Sunset Boulevard Travel west on Sunset until Everett Street H. 10:00 Southern border of Dodger Stadium at Everett Street INTERNAL El Pueblo de Los Angeles: Cesar Chavez Avenue at Spring Street east to Alameda Street south to 101 Freeway west to Spring Street north to Cesar Chavez Avenue. Chinatown: Los Angeles River at Broadway south to Main Street southwest to Vignes Street southeast to 101 Freeway west to Alameda Street north to Cesar Chavez Avenue west to Spring Street south to 101 Freeway west to 110 Freeway north to Cottage Home Street southeast to Broadway northeast to Los Angeles River. Victor Heights: Stadium Way near Everett Street east to 110 Freeway south to 101 Freeway west to Beaudry Avenue north to Sunset Blvd west to Everett Street north to Stadium Way. Solano Canyon: Southern border of Dodger Stadium at Everett Street to southern border of Elysian Park including Elysian Park Road, Park Road, Park Row Drive, and Buena Vista Drive, east to 110 Freeway north to Los Angeles River south to Broadway southwest to Cottage Home Street west to 110 Freeway south to Stadium Way west to Southern border of Dodger Stadium at Everett Street.
2. Attach a map of the Neighborhood Council
3. Explain why these boundaries were chosen. For example, the boundaries may be based on census tracts, on historical landmarks, on existing community planning areas, etc. The boundaries were set based on existing Historic Cultural Neighborhood Council internal and external boundaries for districts identified as those which have distinct community needs in common.
4. Do the proposed boundaries affect any other Neighborhood Council boundaries? Unknown
5. If the answer to Question 4 is “Yes”, list the Neighborhood Councils which are affected by the boundary overlap. Potentially Echo Park Neighborhood Council (EPNC). See Letter of Support from EPNC (unanimous) on file.
6. If the answer to Question 4 is “Yes”, explain how the boundaries affect other existing Neighborhood Council boundaries. Do the proposed boundaries include any shared assets, such as a park, a school, a library, a facility, a building of historical significance, etc.? Yes, there is a shared park at the north end of Everrett Street.
7. Does the Neighborhood Council area contain at least 20,000 stakeholders? Yes
8. If the answer to Question 7 is “No”, mark the space or spaces below which apply: Neighborhood Council represents an historic neighborhood or community AND includes City service providers such as a library or a police station
9. If the population in the Neighborhood Council contains more than 20,000 stakeholders, estimate the total: 20000


Why are you seeking a Neighborhood Council subdivision? The Committee requests that the City of Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment and Board of Neighborhood Commissioners to invest in efforts to support more comprehensive studies, continuing public engagement efforts, and further development of a neighborhood council subdivision proposal for the formation of a new Historic Cultural North Neighborhood Council (HCNNC). We are confident that a subdivision is feasible and that the result promises better representation for all stakeholders served. Due to limited capacity and insufficient resources, Historic Cultural Neighborhood Council (HCNC) faces difficulties in addressing many issues of utmost concern for all districts that it serves. As a governing body of the City of Los Angeles, HCNC struggles to operate in manners that are more inclusive and collaborative. Voices are lost and there exist distinct differences between the northern and southern halves of HCNC. Victor Heights, Solano Canyon, El Pueblo de Los Angeles, and Chinatown comprise a neighborhood with a rooted residential base and unique cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic needs that would be better served and effectively addressed by a separate HCNNC. The proposed HCNNC includes primarily family neighborhoods with a mixture of single family and multiple family dwellings with larger multi-bedroom apartments. A significant percentage of all households within the proposed HCNNC boundaries make less than $20,000 per year. The communities within the proposed HCNNC boundaries share similar histories, demographics, and community concerns. Old Chinatown, a landmark of significant historic and cultural value for Los Angeles, sits within El Pueblo de Los Angeles. El Pueblo de Los Angeles, Chinatown, Victor Heights, Solano Canyon have a high percentage of foreign-born, non-English speaking residents and business owners that are unique to these areas.
Describe the residential profile of the proposed Neighborhood Council. Examples: ”Mostly single family homes”, “Mostly apartments”, “Mixture of single family and multiple family dwellings”. The residential profile is mostly rental apartments. An estimated 88% of the housing units are in multi-family housing structures and 91% of the total housing units are renter-occupied. 54% of the residential tenants are in family households.
Describe the commercial or business profile within the proposed Neighborhood Council. Examples: “Mostly businesses with less than 10 employees” “Mostly businesses with around 100 employees” “Mostly businesses with hundreds of employees” “Mostly industrial or manufacturing businesses” “Mostly retail or service businesses” “A mixture of different types of businesses” The commercial profile is predominantly a small business community with businesses that employ less than 10 employees, with the exception of a few businesses, warehouses, and social service agencies that employ over 10 employees. Over 80% of business owners have limited English proficiency. The neighborhood is also home to ethnic businesses and plazas that hold historical significance for the community and city, including El Pueblo de Los Angeles and Chinatown Central Plaza.
Describe the economic profile of the proposed Neighborhood Council. Examples: ”Affluent”, “Middle income”, “Mostly unemployed”, “A mix of upper, middle and lower income people”. The economic profile is a predominantly low-income community with limited English proficiency. Over half of households make less than $30,000 a year, with 16% of households making less than $10,000 a year. 66% of individuals are considered poor (living 200% below poverty). 35% of families and 44% of seniors (age 65 and above) live below the poverty level. 55% of the adult population is in the labor force and most are employed, as a little less than 5% of the working population is unemployed. Additionally, over 80% of the residential population speak a language in addition to English. 35% speak Chinese and 25% speak Spanish. Among those who speak another language, over 50% indicate that they speak English “less than well.”
Describe the types of employment that are available within the proposed Neighborhood Council. Examples: Retail / Wholesale / Manufacturing / Entertainment / Art / Government / Health Services /Banks / Finance Companies / Insurance / Construction / Public Utilities / Communication / Computers The business profile of the neighborhood is predominantly small businesses that serve the local community and tourism. Businesses provide jobs in food service, retail jobs, and banking. There are also local social service agencies and independent medical offices that provide jobs related to the health industry. El Pueblo de Los Angeles is home to museums including the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles and Chinese American Museum. The Chinatown area of the neighborhood also includes public institutions (e.g. Castelar Elementary School, Alpine Recreation Center, and Chinatown Branch Library) that provide government jobs. The area also includes an industrial area that provides wholesale and manufacturing jobs.


1. Describe in detail the outreach process used to identify community stakeholders. The outreach process included a study of maps to identify community stakeholders of all types. Identification of residents, businesses, employees, and school communities proved to be more straightforward. The Committee conducted more extensive searching online and through communication in person, by telephone, and by email correspondence to identify community stakeholders under the category types associated with community non-profit organizations.
2. Describe or list the types of outreach activities used to inform stakeholders about the existence or formation of the Neighborhood Council. What types of outreach activities were employed? Examples of outreach activities include mass mailings, telephone calls, public meetings, and door-to-door visits. Outreach activities included: in-person, residential door-to-door visits; in-person, business visits; telephone calls; emails; social media; physical postings; agendised presentations at meetings; announcements at meetings; and publication of information in print media (e.g., WAPOW magazine Issue #2 with print distribution of 10,000 copies - see attachment below)
3. Approximately how much time was spent on actual outreach activities prior to submitting this application? Examples include “one hour per week for six months”, “an hour every day for one month”, “at least three months”, “every week since July 2015", etc. Twenty-five to fifty+ hours per week since November 29, 2017. Additional communication with others on the subject of HCNC subdivision since 2016.
4. Were public meetings held on behalf of the Neighborhood Council? On average, how many people attended each meeting? Presentations and announcements made at numerous public meetings including those of HCNC and EPNC as well as at numerous regular meetings of community organizations. One meeting held specifically for the subdivision. The total attendance for all of these meetings was more than five hundred persons. The average attendance was approximately thirty people.
5. Did you contact the affected Neighborhood Council? What outreach, or public meetings were held outside the proposed Neighborhood Council boundaries while still within the existing Neighborhood Council boundaries. The Committee contacted the affected Neighborhood Council and presented at the January 2018 HCNC Board meeting as well as the December 2017 EPNC Outreach Committee meeting and December 2017 EPNC Board meeting.
6. Attach to this application the original signatures of at least 500 stakeholders within the proposed Neighborhood Council boundaries. Keep a copy of the signatures collected for your records. Signature amounts in excess of 500 will be retained on file by the Department as additional outreach documentation. ---
7. Signatures shall, to the maximum extent feasible, reflect the broadest array of community stakeholders who will be active participants in the Neighborhood Council. Please explain how the signature collection process was used to include, inform and educate the widest possible variety of stakeholders. The Committee focused on reaching the widest possible variety of stakeholders by investing time to meet with the different stakeholder types. Committee members and volunteers attended meetings, visited stakeholders at residences door-to-door, visited employees and business owners door-to-door for more focused signature collection.
8. Outreach activities are a very important part of all Neighborhood Council operations. Outreach activities should be performed regularly in order to share ideas and to communicate news, events and information. If certified, lease describe below how you plan to continue to conduct outreach activities within the proposed Neighborhood Council boundaries. The proposed Neighborhood Council would outreach by the following activities: public posting, email distribution, social media, set up booths at community events, deliver presentations and announcements at community meetings, disseminate press releases to WAPOW and other media outlets, distribute press releases to community service centers and organizations.
Attach samples of your outreach materials
Attach copies of sign-in sheets for any outreach meeting held filename-1.pdf

Posting Site #1

Site Name Chinatown Branch Library
Address 639 N. Hill Street
Hours 10am-8pm
Contact Person various Librarians
Stakeholder Group Targeted All (mostly residents and Castelar Elementary School community)

Posting Site #2

Site Name Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
Address 765 W. College St
Hours all hours
Contact Person Various staff including Greg Kimura
Stakeholder Group Targeted All (mostly employees, residents, and members of community organizations regularly utilizing meeting spaces)

Posting Site #3

Site Name Arts District Dog Park
Address 1004 E. 4th Street
Hours various
Contact Person none
Stakeholder Group Targeted All (mostly residents)

Posting Site #4

Site Name Elysian Park
Address 929 Academy Road
Hours 5am-9pm
Contact Person various staff
Stakeholder Group Targeted All (mostly residents and employees)

Posting Site #5

Site Name Little Tokyo Branch Library
Address 203 S Los Angeles St
Hours 10am-8pm
Contact Person various librarians
Stakeholder Group Targeted All (mostly residents)

Website and Social Media Information

Website Address none yet
Twitter none yet
Facebook Support Historic Cultural North Neighborhood Council (support.hcnnc)
Instagram none yet
Flickr none yet


1. Attach a copy of the proposed Neighborhood Council bylaws. Historic+Cultural+North+NCBy-Laws.docx.pdf


By checking the box, the applicant acknowledges that all all contacts have reviewed the City subdivision ordinance and the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils and that this petition is accurate and meets the conditions of certification, including the financial and ethical responsibilities of the Neighborhood Council system. I understand
Your Name angelica lopez moyes
Your Email Address [email protected]
Your Phone Number +16269919404