City Of Erie

Erie Citizen Response Center

Dec 18, 2018
submission #594
Submit your issue to the City of Erie

Issue, complaint, recommendation, or feedback

Please describe the nature of your request, concern, or comment: ---
If there is an address or location related to your concern, please add it here ---
Your name ---
Your address ---
Phone number ---
City Department Response

City Response

Resolution of the issue or concern Mas, If there are holes, we cannot address permanent repairs until paving season. Please contact Bureau of Streets if temporary patches are required. Todd will not be in the office until after the New Year holiday. Please advise the caller that she can talk to him then.

Does this process require an additional department?

Does this process require an additional department? ---

Department Review

Resolution of issue or concern ---
Close Out

City Response

Was this issue resolved? Pending/In Process

Which department completed this request?

Which department will be completing this request? Public Works